by: Tom Tom Staff
Rising to the Challenge
With a renewed focus on inclusion, authenticity, and impact, Tom Tom has redesigned the Founders Summit and the Hometown Summit to provide deeper connections and targeted insights around the most urgent issues facing businesses and cities today. Learn more and get your pass now at the lowest prices of the year.
Enough with the Silicon
There is more to innovation than a few square miles of California, New York, and Boston. In hundreds of small cities across the country, artists, entrepreneurs, and civic leaders are driving the future of technology and culture. The diversity of their experiences and ambitions will power the next generation of great American invention.
Tom Tom 2018 doubles down on a vision for the future where startups create jobs, technology changes the world, and everyone has a shot.
It’s our time. Join us!
The Redesigned Summit
During the weeklong Founders Festival, Tom Tom convenes two simultaneous conferences, the Founders Summit and the Hometown Summit. The Founders Summit focuses on entrepreneurs and executives. The Hometown Summit connects civic leaders, including government, foundations, academics, and nonprofits.
In the past, the Founders Summit has been a one-day series of keynotes at the Paramount Theater, but in 2018 both Summits will span four days, beginning on the evening of Wednesday, April 11 and continuing through midday Saturday, April 14.
Ask the Right Questions
Both Summits will feature dozens of interactive sessions across eight tracks exploring specific issues in today’s most critical industries and areas:
Reinventing Our Health System
The Community Hospital
Creativity in the Next Economy
Industry & Makers
Leading the Energy Revolution
Climate Adaptation
Investment and Scale
Opportunity and Impact
Access to Capital
The Startup Ecosystem
The Machine Learning Revolution
Smart Cities
Tomorrow’s Content
History and Identity
Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs
The Future of Local Democracy
Bring People Together
Both Summits will be built around high impact leaders. The Hometown Summit will spotlight 16 US cities through its Cohort program. The Founders Summit will curate clusters of outstanding founders and practitioners by industry. Together, they will gather over 1,200 small city pioneers to spark inspiration and partnerships across the nation.
Dont Sleep
The Founders Summit and Hometown Summit at Tom Tom 2018 will be transformative. Don’t miss out on the lowest prices of the year for passes to these world-class conferences. Are you an urbanist? You need to be at Hometown. Are you an entrepreneur? Founders is a must-attend. Are you both? Buy an All Access Pass and get free rein of the entire experience. And if you love Tom Tom, grab a Patron badge. It means a lot to us, and the perks this year are going to be good.