50+ Year-round Community Gatherings
1 Annual Weeklong Festival
Over the past decade, the Tom Tom Foundation has proven to be a powerful catalyst for bringing diverse communities together in Charlottesville to explore the future and to tell an inclusive story about our hometown.

Economic Vitality for the Downtown Mall

Tom Tom is the busiest week of the year for Downtown; 61% busier than other April and May weeks, and 27% higher than the next busiest week of the year. As many people know, Charlottesville’s Downtown Mall is essential for regional prosperity, but it has been struggling. Since 2017, visitation has dropped 26%, from 3.45M to 2.54M. We need events -- like Tom Tom -- that support a key piece of our regional economy and civic pride.
The Downtown Mall Block Party brings 20,000+ attendees to the mall over 2 days, connecting the community and activating 60+ local businesses.

"We had our highest grossing sales ever (pre-covid included) and the energy was electric. It was the type of vibe that will keep customers coming back Downtown in the future."
Rich Ridge,
Fitzroy Restaurant
Catalyzing Collaboration

Each year, the Tom Tom Foundation connects thousands of citizens to dream big. Over the years, Tom Tom has been credited with being a catalyzing influence for influential regional projects like CvilleBioHub and Cville Renewable Energy Alliance. Just this past year our summits on Regional Storytelling, ReEntry and Criminal Justice Reform, Local Journalism, and Economic Development offered novel frameworks for new work to emerge.
"The Tom Tom Festival is at the center of the origin story for CvilleBioHub. The founders of the organization were brought together for a biotech panel at the Festival, and came to the conclusion that Charlottesville needed an organization to connect, promote, and assist local biotech companies. Today, CvilleBioHub represents dozens of companies who have brought $450M of investment and 2,500 jobs to the region."
- Charlie Henneman Program Manager, CvilleBioHub

Diversity & Community Accessibility

Tom Tom brings the whole community together, and offers unique opportunities for local organizations to lead in telling the story of our future. Many people report that the Tom Tom Festival as the single most diverse event in the region. Part of the reason for this is because Tom Tom is incredibly accessible, over 97% of our programs are free or by-donation.
A 2024 ReEntry Summit was a first-of-its-kind event for the criminal justice community to better coordinate resources to help those returning to society from jail and prison, and raise awareness in the general public. At the first session over 100 individuals participated and small working groups generated over 35 pages of data. The ReEntry Summit has continued to convene, and issued a report to local municipalities with cross-sector recommendations.

Resources for the Future

Hundreds of thousands of dollars go out each year in grants, investments, and philanthropy at Tom Tom events. We are a platform that connects great ideas and great innovators with the investment and philanthropic resources that enable them to flourish.
Annual grant competitions give students and entrepreneurs a chance to share their vision with the community and win seed money. Since 2012, more than $3.3 MILLION has been awarded at Tom Tom Foundation events.

Positive Storytelling

Tom Tom, which means Tomorrow Tomorrow, tells a positive story to residents and visitors alike. This storytelling is useful to instill a sense of pride in our City, and supplant negative narratives that have been surroundinging Charlottesville since 2017. Tom Tom is an authentic voice for the inclusive innovation that drives this region.
“I had never seen a more diverse and jovial crowd. It was a true picture of what Charlottesville is all about.”
Juandiego Wade,
Mayor of Charlottesville
"My first year attending the Tom Tom festival. I was deeply rooted in how many people serve our community. I enjoyed the experiences and hope to be involved in upcoming events. It's a lifetime memory for me."
Courtney B., Festival Attendee
"The diversity of the Tom Tom Festival allowed me to see my community in a new light. I felt welcomed, I felt like I finally belonged to my community that I grew up in.”
Beverly M., Festival Attendee
An amazing Cultural Event for our city

Let’s not forget, Tom Tom is one of the premier events in our region. Our 12th Annual Festival had the theme TOGETHER and brought together 25,800 attendees at 170+ events and performances with 300+ speakers and artists featured.

Consider Making a Gift...
The Tom Tom Foundation is a 501c3, and all donations are tax deductible. Our Founders Circle program is for donors who make contributions between $1,000 and $10,000. The Founders Circle enjoys year-round access to all public events, and exclusive private events as well. tomtomfoundation.org/founders-circle
"I had such a wonderful time meeting smart, reliable, creative collaborators…People told me the downtown block party was the “most diverse” space they’ve encountered in Charlottesville, and that it felt truly integrated and like the whole city came out. It was a blast!"
—Karolyn K (2023)
“I met three different people who are doing stuff relevant to current projects, and I have follow-ups scheduled with each of them.”
—Scot M (2018)
“It really brought the community together, young and old, and put Charlottesville on the map as a cool, innovative, culturally interesting, musical/artistic place to be. Well done.”
“Absolutely inspirational. The chance to connect was unparalleled.”
—Marieke J (2019)

“I met too many of amazing people to list them all. I exchanged contact information and plan to keep in touch. Great diversity in fields of expertise.”
—Jonathan C (2017)
“A great way to connect local artists and innovators. Really helps raise awareness on all the cool things happening in our city.”
—John D. (2014)
“Charlottesville is already well known for a broad spectrum of traditional, progressive, conservative, moderate, and cutting edge activities and expressions; and TTFF adds diversity to the mix. The multi-pronged focus on historical inspiration with admiration, collaboration, inspiration and perspiration help promote successful development and implementation of the tremendous knowledge, skills, abilities, and dreams that our wonderful city has to offer.”
—Rick M (2016)